Last 7th September 2022, The Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) through its Institute for Research, Innovation and Educational Technology (UNIR iTED), host a public event to presentate Green Vineyards project to regional society.
The project, framed within the Erasmus+ programme, has a budget of 201,535 euros and a duration of 30 months. Daniel Burgos, director of the Institute for Research, Innovation and Educational Technologies (UNIR iTED) and coordinator of the project, has been in charge of presenting Green Vineyards at the UNIR Rectorate. The event was chaired by the rector of UNIR, José María Vázquez García-Peñuela.
Green Vineyards consists of a multidisciplinary team of six partners from Germany, Italy, France, North Macedonia and Spain, and its main objective is to increase the knowledge, skills and abilities of wine workers to meet the challenges of climate change.
The work to be carried out by the consortium links the environment, digitalisation and the agri- food sector, three of the European Commission’s priorities for the period 2021-2027. «Climate change is the biggest threat we face, and there is no doubt that its impact on the countryside is devastating. To achieve a fair and sustainable society, with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, it is necessary to have a workforce to support it. That is why it is essential to train workers with the skills requirements inherent to green jobs,» said Daniel Burgos.
«For UNIR, Green Vineyards is a unique opportunity backed by the European Commission to reintegrate all the support it continually shows to our university to the society of La Rioja, this time through the wine sector, and with a continental repercussion through major partners in four key countries, such as France, Italy, North Macedonia and Germany,» concluded Burgos.
Specifically, the consortium is formed by the International University of La Rioja (ES); the Institut Français de la vigne et du vin (FR), CeSAR, Centro per lo Sviluppo Agricolo e Rurale (IT); Private Scientific Institution (MKD); Institute for research in environment, civil engineering and energy (MKD); Federacion Española del Vino (ES); and Lake Constaza Foundation (DE).
All information on this European initiative is available on its website,, as in their social networks.